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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 09/17/2012
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
September 17, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM by Chairman Tenney in the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Mr. Tenney, Mr. Genest & Mr. Robertson
Staff present:          Galen Stearns (Town Administrator)

1.      Mr. Genest motioned to approve the minutes of August 20, 2012, Mr. Robertson 2nd.  Passed 3/0
2.      Mr. Stearns presented the contract for Rick Evans as the Town Forester who was recommended by Dennis Thorell as the replacement forester.  Mr. Evans has been retained by the other towns that Mr. Thorell covered.  The contract is the same as the one the town had with Mr. Thorell at $40.00 per hour.  Mr. Genest motioned to enter into a contract with Mr. Evans as the Town Forester, Mr. Tenney 2nd, passed 3/0
3.      Mr. Stearns presented the board with a request from the Fire Department and the Ambulance squad to change their phone and internet provider from TDS to Comcast.  The ambulance run reports are filed online and the speed of the internet service is very critical to their efficiency and the service provided by Comcast will have a higher speed.  Mr. Genest motioned to approve Comcast contract for Fire and Ambulance, Mr. Robertson 2nd.  Passed 3/0
4.      Mr. Stearns presented the results of the responses for MSW / Recycling services for the transfer station.  Mr. Stearns explained that he and Mr. Clark had review all the proposals and had generated a spreadsheet using 2011 tonnage and number of hauls to evaluate the firm with the lowest cost for tipping fees, hauling cost and rental costs.  Mr. Genest motioned to contract with Northeast Resource Recovery Association  for three years, Mr. Robertson 2nd passed 3/0
5.      Mr. Stearns presented a request from the Recreation Director for appointments to the Antrim Parks and Recreation Commission of Tim Smith, Isaac Lombard and Andrew Robblee.  The board discussed that the membership of the Commission was set at 5 members.  Motion by Mr. Genest to appoint Tim Smith and Isaac Lombard to fill the 2 open positions, terms to run until March 2015 and to appoint Andrew Robblee as an alternate until March 2015, 2nd by Mr. Tenney, passed 3/0
6.      Mr. Stearns presented the board with a request from Dennis McKenney on behalf of Pricilla Shook for restoration of involuntarily merged lots.  The request states that map 232 lot 005 consisted of 4 parcels and that the family is formally requesting that these “involuntarily merged lots” be restored to their pre-merger status under provisions of NH RSA 674:39-aa.  Mr. Tenney motioned to restore the lots, 2nd by Mr. Genest, passed 3/0
7.      Mr. Stearns presented a request from Mr. Soucy to waive late tax payment penalty and fees of $114.52, the board discussed the request and Mr. Stearns noted that the board has not waive tax penalties and fees in the last three years except once where there was a mix up with an overpayment being returned and then by the time the payment was made and recorded the system showed a penalty which the Town Clerk requested be waived.  Mr. Robertson motion to deny the request, Mr. Genest 2nd, passed 3/0
8.      Highway Agent Chip Craig presented the board with potential increases to the Highway Department budget for the coming year in anticipation of the up-coming budget session.  He also presented a list of projects that he anticipates performing next year.
9.      Mr. Genest motioned to go into Non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 II a Public employee, Mr. Robertson 2nd, roll call vote all in favor.
10.     The board returned from Non-public at 8:01 PM,
11.     There being no further business, Mr. Robertson motioned to adjourn, Mr. Tenney 2nd, passed 3/0 meeting adjourned at 8:02 PM